Business Insider : les Français sont les plus productifs au monde

Slate, 24/08/09

Une nouvelle étude d’UBS a montré que les Français travaillent moins d’heures par an que le reste du monde. En moyenne, dans les plus grandes villes du monde, les gens travaillent environ 1902 heures par an et encore plus longtemps dans les villes asiatiques et du Moyen-Orient. En France, Lyon et Paris, les villes prises en compte dans l’étude, n’atteignent même pas les 1600 heures.

Pour Business Insider, si on s’arrête à ce chiffre, cela signifierait que les Français sont feignants mais ce serait se tromper complètement. Selon  le site américain, la vérité est qu’ils sont les gens les plus productifs du monde.

Ainsi les Français se classent en dix-huitième position pour le PIB (Produit intérieur brut) par habitant et atteignent leur haut standard de niveau de vie en travaillant 16% de moins que les autres et 25% de moins que les Asiatiques.

Pour le site économique, si on compare leur PIB par habitant au nombre d’heures travaillées, ils ont le meilleur retour sur investissement possible. Selon leur calcul, la France a un revenu de 25,10 dollars par heure travaillée et par habitant contre 24,60 dollars pour les Américains.

Business Insider conclut ainsi: «On ne gagne pas juste en travaillant dur. On gagne en travaillant intelligemment… et moins. Comme les Français savent le faire».

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French: The Most Productive People In The World

BusinessInsider, Vincent Fernando and John Carney | Aug. 20, 2009,

A new survey from UBS has shown that the French continue to work the least amount of hours per year in the world. Once again, the French have blown away the competition.

People work an average of 1,902 hours per year in the surveyed cities but they work much longer in Asian and Middle Eastern cities… People in Lyon and Paris, by contrast, spend the least amount of time at work according to the global comparison: 1,582 and 1,594 hours per year respectively.

Upon seeing this data, some might criticize the French for being lazy, but that misses the point completely. The real message here is that the French are likely some of the most productive people in the entire world.

Think about it. Nationmaster ranks France as #18 in terms of GDP per capita, at $36,500 per person, yet France works much less than most developed nations. They achieve their high standard of living while working 16% less hours than the average world citizen, and almost 25% than their Asian peers as per UBS. Plus, if you visit France you’ll also realize that their actual standard of living is probably much higher than GDP numbers would indicate.

Thus, if one were to divide France’s GDP per capita by actual hours worked, you’d probably find that the French are achieving some of the highest returns on work-hours invested. Labor Alpha, if you will.

We can actually calculate this Labor Alpha using statistics from Nation Master.

France has $36,500 GDP/Capita and works 1,453 hours per year. This equates to a GDP/Capita/Hour of $25.10. Americans, on the other hand, have $44,150 GDP/Capita but work 1,792 hours per year. Thus Americans only achieve $24.60 of GDP/Capita/Hour.

This puts the French Labor Alpha at about $0.50 GDP/Capita/Hour over the US. It may sound small at first, but add that up across millions of people, and a few decades. Now you’ve built a lesson for the rest of the world to learn.

Winning is not about working hard. It’s about working smart… and less. As the French know well.

Additional reporting by Kamelia Angelova.

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